Day off.

I have never been a person full of holiday cheer. This time of year puts me in a constant state of exhaustion. Between trying to avoid holiday shoppers and desperately looking for presents that don’t suck to give to my loved ones, by the time I get home, I have no energy for anything more than the occasional shower.  


Today, my normal 40hr work week was broken up by a last minute day off. It has thus far been a very productive day. I’ve done laundry, scrubbed my bathtub in anticipation for a possible bath tonight (I have a thing about it being completely spotless before I will take a bath... ), I got to visit and spend time with my family, and I think I finished shopping for Christmas 4 days ahead of my normal schedule. Also, outside of the things I was able to control today, the weather has been warm for December in Illinois. I hate cold weather, so this is a ‘plus’ for me despite global warming. 


It feels good to have gotten things done today. I’m in for the night and I’m going to treat myself to a bit of pampering. Maybe desert for dinner and, of course, a hot bath.


Things are not always able to stay in our control. These moments in which it almost seems like you have a handle on things might not come often. When it does, you have to remind yourself that when given the opportunity, you can pull it together and make things happen. Even the little things.